Mid-Cumberland Meals-on-Wheels has the joy of serving the senior citizen population of 13 counties in middle Tennessee. We have been delivering meals, smiles and love for 49 years!


We serve over 500,000 meals annually from meal sites in the Mid-Cumberland region, and we like to say we are “more than just a meal”!

Meals-on-Wheels About Us

Meals-on-Wheels is more than just a meal with...


Volunteers are often the only person a home bound senior may see daily.  They offer daily well being checks on the seniors who live alone with no support system. These volunteers often foster a sense of family for a senior, and the volunteer visit is anticipated by the senior just as much as receiving the meal!


Pets of seniors

We deliver donated pet food through a service called AniMeals. We find seniors will go without food themselves so their pet can eat. Providing free pet food can give a senior an extra $200 annually to buy food and medicine they need for themselves.

Nourishing Notes

In a recent study, seniors who feel lonely have a 45% greater chance of death than seniors who did not feel lonely!  What a stunning statistic! Our program, Nourishing Notes, urges people to write encouraging notes to our seniors to let them know they are not alone.
For more information please contact - Sharon McDaniel - smcdaniel@mchra.com


The Importance of YOU

YOU are the cornerstone of Meals-on-Wheels. Whether you deliver meals or donate to help us raise over half of our budget not funded by the Federal Government, YOU are heroes to the seniors we serve!


We are so thankful for a wonderful staff, delightful volunteers, strong community partners, and the most incredible seniors who honor us daily by allowing us to be part of their lives!

Financial information for Mid-Cumberland Meals-on-Wheels is on givingmatters.com under Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency.